Hey guys I have a base model 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix.
Just like this one, but without the rims and I have the Fig 4 pc grille polished aluminum.
I am looking for some ideas on what I can do with my car. I wish it were black, but I have to work with the blueish/greenish/gray color I have. Ive seen some grand prix's on here that were pretty unique. I want to get the front bumper painted live I have seen, but I don't know what color to go with and if I have to paint the back also? I have searched e-bay and found some parts like chrome pillars for the doors and chrome strips for the side of the door and trunk. The only problem is that I don't think those chrome parts would fit with the color of my car. Any ideas? If this were your car and you had a chance to mess with the appearance a little what would you do? Rims are obvious, but what else? My windows are also already tinted, any help would be hugely appreciated.