im surprized that my car is as quick as it is, only a wizard and SLP exaust, and nothing else. I found an SRT-4 on the highway, so i figuered what the hell, might as well see how i keep up, so i give him a flyby and the looks and gives me one back, so i caught up to him, were doing 60 he downshifts, i downshift and really surprizingly i start pulling away i look down by 80 im still pulling just a tad, by 100 i let off, he was about 1 car length behind me, and the whole time he wasnt pulling on me at all, him and his friend looked at me likei laughed and turned off, i really dont think that was supposed to happen
anywayz then after that i raced my friend in his 06 civic si, from a 60, 3 beeps i had to downshift but by 80 i went past him, we raced again from a 85 mph roll and i slowly pulled on him by about 1/2 a car till about 107 when speed limiter hit then he went past me and i let off, then a week ago i pulled up next to a brand new c6 vette at a light (not a zo6) but it was stick still had the temp plates on it, my friend gave him a rev in his saturn and when the light turned we took off, he spun 2nd chirped 3rd and was gone, i happily lost, the car sounded pretty nasty, stock