Man i wish we had our camera tonight.So were headed home from date night. lol anyway we just tuned her car so we drove it. we turn on the highway next to a minty fresh new ss camaro w/paper tag still, and like a jackass he floors it then cuts us off and turns his hazards on like he's a cool ricer kid. lmao we pulled up to the light he's revin it up. We both take off from the light she let off at 120 and was 2 cars ahead and pullin!!! he stopped at the light and asked what was done to it. my wife rolled the window down and said bolt ons and his jaw dropped to the floor, when he realized not only did he waste 50k on a slow car!! he got raped by a girl!!! it was funny as hell.
1.9 zzp rockers/ Pushrods
Ported rear mani
180* tstat
ngk tr6
Acell Wires
3in offroad DP
SLP Loudmouth
Dhp tune
3.8 Pulley!!