Well this was the wifes kill. We were on the way to the beach stopped by a gas station and two guys pulled up in the black fusion and started talking about how gp's are great pile of sh@#. I was like what the hell two punks in moms fusion lol. So my wife gets pist and says ok whatever so we leave out and here they come reving that piece. my wife says i wanna race i said sure why not lol. so i give the signal and wait on the light it goes green and the wife floors it like she is on a venge. we start to pull ahead i heard the fusion shift to secound and man that thing lost all power in 2nd then picked up some in third. by this time we have a car on them. we pull up to the next light and the wife looks over and says thats how real women drive lolthey slowly pulled off the passanger had his head down lol