just looking for pics of white GTP's with black stockers. or any color with black stockers works. thanks! not sure what 5 star youd call mine but they are the white ones that came on the white GTP's, think they came in silver also..
just looking for pics of white GTP's with black stockers. or any color with black stockers works. thanks! not sure what 5 star youd call mine but they are the white ones that came on the white GTP's, think they came in silver also..
There was a topic not long ago, a simple forum check would have you find this:
on a white car i dont think it will look too bad. better then white anyway,lol! the rims above though would lookbetter all black then with the silver lip. the style i have i dont think will look to bad though. seen a set on a silver gp painted black on cardomain and didnt look to bad.
black wheels on a white car? eh... i probably wouldn't do it. I'm gonna agree with bio, do gunmetal. don't leave a silver lip either. jesse's up there does alright with the black stockers but i think they need to be about 2 inches bigger
That black grand prix is fugly, who the hell would drive that......
I want to get new rims with a nice chrome lip, but I can't find any I like.
Black is cool but I think it looks nicer if you do something thats dark colored but not black. Like a bronze color. I just threw some bronzw wheels on my car, and Ive been meanin to upload pics lol.
I seen them, they look nice!!
I'll upload some pics as soon as I can, *probably tomorrow*
I've got a black 4D GTP with painted black Stock 5-stars, without the colored lip, thought about it, but didnt feel like the hassle.
I like the look much better, plus for $40 it beats the hell outta getting new rims....since I'm poor...
But I will try to get pics posted soon.
Bio, trust me if you could have seen what the wheels looked like before, almost like someone used steel wool and brown paint to clean my rims, the black isn't the best looking thing, and I'm way tired of it, but until I find some silver rims with a big fat chrome lip, those will have to do.
i would have suggested gunmetal 100 times before black would have came out of my mouth. im just not into black wheels anymore after everyone and their mom thought it would be a good idea.
I did actually paint mine gunmetal, and the stockers arent meant to be that color...
Stock (shiny) or black is the way to go on the stock rims, gunmetal just doesnt look right on the 5-star stockers.
gunmetal if it was red maybe.. black looks good on white IMO, especially with tinted windows and tails and a few other things being black , hopefully ill get around to painting them this weekend. but i think the style 5 stars i got will look better in black then the torq star's style...
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