There's this girl I like that ive known for about 6montha, and all she's done is lead me on. First she don't wanna take it farther because im with someone, but that didn't last. Then its because she's heart broken. But now she's with this complete douch-bag, and every time her car has a problem she comes runnin to me. I fix it, but don't ever ask for anything other than a thank you. Its very clear she's not happy with him, because she never smiles when she's around him. And she always watches me leave like she don't want me to go, but I have no clue what to think or do. Should I tell her how I feel and prob get shot down again by her, or just let her figure it out. But now she's in this kick where she wont txt me unless it's about her car, unless her boyfriend ain't around. But it pisses me off to where she really needed a ride because her car **** the bed but her boyfriend was with her and I told her to kick rocks.. she needs to figure out what the hell she wants; a guy who don't have anything to give her other than cheating on her, or me a guy who'll give her any and everything.