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  1. #41 Re: My wallet needs health care 
    GTX Level Member Sudden's Avatar
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    Matt, read "The 5000 Year Leap." It will answer all your questions. I guess this is why I have little patience with Canadians. Maybe you could ask the Queen.
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  2. #42 Re: My wallet needs health care 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sudden View Post
    Matt, read "The 5000 Year Leap." It will answer all your questions. I guess this is why I have little patience with Canadians. Maybe you could ask the Queen.
    Read a book to understand your current healthcare issue?

    I doubt ANYONE can have reasearched, written and published a book on a presently occuring event. In fact, its impossible.

    How about a real response other than dismissing my points?


    From Wiki page of the author of that book:

    kousen spoke against communism,[19] throughout his career. He did not believe the U.S. should establish diplomatic relations with Communist China, claiming that the U.S. State Department was engaging in treason with respect to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's visit to "his old friend Mao Tse-tung." [20]
    Right. Now go read the commie's book then create an informed decision instead of only looking at one bias.

    Do you know how to perform un-biased research?
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  3. #43 Re: My wallet needs health care 
    Donating Users JESSEGOTTA GP GT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arc View Post
    It is other religions allowed to be taught in schools, not Christianity, and woe betide anyone who thinks otherwise. A Msulim wants something done? An illegal mexican immigrant wants something done? You got it. A white Christian male wants something? SHUT THE **** UP. Liberals have eroded our rights in the name of tolerance, of diversity. America was made to be diverse, they say. Well, America was founded as a christian nation. America was bought with the blood of those who worked arduously and fought for what they believed in. No one even considered a life of being the slime we have today. We have not settled that debt, nor will we ever.
    Arc, you are my new best friend.
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  4. #44 Re: My wallet needs health care 
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    This is the point where I say **** this thread. I'm out.
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  5. #45 Re: My wallet needs health care 
    GTX Level Member Sudden's Avatar
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    Matt, the questions:

    "This is why I don't like american right winger's. They think that its a disrespect to those who died to stray away from what the country was when it was founded.

    Can anyone here sit down and explain to me thoroughly and precisely how it was intended?

    Can anyone look me in the eye and tell me that they honestly believe a country should limit its growth based on something created in a society VERY different from that of the present one you reside in?"

    You must have misread something. W. Cleon Skousen was a John Bircher. Wikipedia says:
    The Five Thousand Year Leap: Twenty-Eight Great Ideas That Are Changing the World is a book that was published in 1981 by the late anti-communist and conservative author Cleon Skousen. The book argues that the United States is a Christian nation whose Founding Fathers were guided by the Bible, and that the U.S. Constitution is a brilliant document.[1] The book lists twenty-eight fundamental beliefs based on the words of Moses, Jesus, Cicero, John Locke, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and others, which Skousen asserts have resulted in more progress than was achieved in the previous 5,000 years of every other civilization combined.[1]

    Are all answered in the book. Once you understand the founding of our country it will apply to all current events. Like the guy (a Canadian) or not, his research was accurate and complete. I don't agree with everything in the book but it will gve anyone an insite into how and why this country was created.
    Last edited by Sudden; 03-28-2010 at 06:52 PM.
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  6. #46 Re: My wallet needs health care 
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    Hahah this is like a retarded Teabagger convention right here.

    You guys are so unbelievably ill-informed it's... unbelievable. And this is coming from a Canadian. Go do some actual research into the matters(hint: don't let Fox/Rush/Beck/Hannity do it for you).

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  7. #47 Re: My wallet needs health care 
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    Quote Originally Posted by JESSEGOTTA GP GT View Post
    I don't wanna get started on all this. My girlfriends dad knows everything when it comes to the gov't. Half the stuff you think was terrorist, was the gov't.... 911?.... yeah that was the gov't. I could go on for days about what our gov't has done, and what will soon happen in the near future. Oh, and the whole 3000 page obamacare plan, has so many hidden odds and ends in it. One of them being about tuitions and how college students will start paying them. It's all a bunch of BS.
    Hahahahah, good lord. Please cite some of this.
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  8. #48 Re: My wallet needs health care 
    GXP Level Member offroadfury6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JESSEGOTTA GP GT View Post
    I don't wanna get started on all this. My girlfriends dad knows everything when it comes to the gov't. Half the stuff you think was terrorist, was the gov't.... 911?.... yeah that was the gov't. I could go on for days about what our gov't has done, and what will soon happen in the near future. Oh, and the whole 3000 page obamacare plan, has so many hidden odds and ends in it. One of them being about tuitions and how college students will start paying them. It's all a bunch of BS.
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  9. #49 Re: My wallet needs health care 
    GTX Level Member Sudden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcvey View Post
    Hahah this is like a retarded Teabagger convention right here.

    You guys are so unbelievably ill-informed it's... unbelievable. And this is coming from a Canadian. Go do some actual research into the matters(hint: don't let Fox/Rush/Beck/Hannity do it for you).

    Please tell us where we are wrong if you know so much. The Canadian Premier must disagree with you.
    It's easy for you to say something without backing it up.
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  10. #50 Re: My wallet needs health care 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sudden View Post
    Please tell us where we are wrong if you know so much. The Canadian Premier must disagree with you.
    It's easy for you to say something without backing it up.
    "The Canadian Premier"

    Hahah we have more than one. If you have a lot of money the USA is a fantastic place to get health care. No one has ever said anything contradictory to that. Problem is a lot of people don't have that kind of money.

    Edit: And I'm not going to fight a bunch of Fox News talking points and anecdotes. There's no point. Come to me with arguments based on reality and fact and then we can play ball.
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  11. #51 Re: My wallet needs health care 
    Donating Users JESSEGOTTA GP GT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcvey View Post
    Hahahahah, good lord. Please cite some of this.
    Watch the movie "Loose change, the final cut." that will explain a hell of a lot of info that will probably scare the crap out of you. If you don't believe that the gov't caused 911, just watch the movie. In the 1970's the twin towers burnt for 17 HOURS. and didn't collapse, when the planes hit, they burned for a little less then 1 hour, and all of a sudden just fell in on itself, just like when demolition crews blow up buildings. They claim that the towers fell because of the planes exploding, anyone with common sense knows that the planes exploded on impact. Oh, and the planes were small - medium commuter planes, not big commercial ones. Don't tell me to cite crap.

    As for Matt, he shouldn't and doesn't need to worry about the US and all of our problems, he doesn't live here. Sure it's nice to know a bunch of info, but it's not a necessity, and it would just be wasted knowledge.
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  12. #52 Re: My wallet needs health care 
    Donating Users JESSEGOTTA GP GT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcvey View Post
    "The Canadian Premier"

    Hahah we have more than one. If you have a lot of money the USA is a fantastic place to get health care. No one has ever said anything contradictory to that. Problem is a lot of people don't have that kind of money.
    Well, thanks to Obama, you get to pay for all the illegals, and people who are to lazy to go out and get jobs. Oh, and I hope you don't have any disease's because they will decide weather or not your worth getting covered. And if they decide that and you get sick, good luck paying for it.
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  13. #53 Re: My wallet needs health care 
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    Quote Originally Posted by JESSEGOTTA GP GT View Post
    Watch the movie "Loose change, the final cut." that will explain a hell of a lot of info that will probably scare the crap out of you. If you don't believe that the gov't caused 911, just watch the movie. In the 1970's the twin towers burnt for 17 HOURS. and didn't collapse, when the planes hit, they burned for a little less then 1 hour, and all of a sudden just fell in on itself, just like when demolition crews blow up buildings. They claim that the towers fell because of the planes exploding, anyone with common sense knows that the planes exploded on impact. Oh, and the planes were small - medium commuter planes, not big commercial ones. Don't tell me to cite crap.
    Don't tell you to cite crap? What the hell? Hahah there goes the possibility of a rational argument. You realize that "Loose Change" has been debunked over and over again right? Popular Mechanics did a great article on the 911 truthers and basically went in depth on all the conspiracies allegations.
    Read these to start:
    “Loose Change” Debunked
    Screw Loose Change
    Loose Change (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report - Popular Mechanics

    Quote Originally Posted by JESSEGOTTA GP GT View Post
    Oh, and I hope you don't have any disease's because they will decide weather or not your worth getting covered. And if they decide that and you get sick, good luck paying for it.
    Hahah you realize this is happening already, right? Good lord. Are you even old enough to be on your own insurance instead of your parents?

    Also did you not read that the CBO estimates the new plan will save over $1.3 trillion while insuring an aditional 30million+ people?
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  14. #54 Re: My wallet needs health care 
    Donating Users JESSEGOTTA GP GT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcvey View Post

    Also did you not read that the CBO estimates the new plan will save over $1.3 trillion while insuring an aditional 30million+ people?
    You actually believe that crap? The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive an Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”
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  15. #55 Re: My wallet needs health care 
    GT Level Member djrepoman's Avatar
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    M o v e o u t !!!
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  16. #56 Re: My wallet needs health care 
    GTX Level Member Sudden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcvey View Post

    Also did you not read that the CBO estimates the new plan will save over $1.3 trillion while insuring an aditional 30million+ people?
    Didn't you see where the new CBO estimate says the Dems threw in a lot of stuff they they didn't intent to do and left out a lot of stuff they intend to do?

    I know you're in Canada but try to keep up.
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  17. #57 Re: My wallet needs health care 
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    Quote Originally Posted by JESSEGOTTA GP GT View Post
    You actually believe that crap? The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive an Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”
    So the unheralded debts, war, oversights and lives that Bush and co. cost was survivable but basic health care is not? Come on. You actually believe that crap? I fear you're going to start spouting "where is the birth certificate?!" next.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sudden View Post
    Didn't you see where the new CBO estimate says the Dems threw in a lot of stuff they they didn't intent to do and left out a lot of stuff they intend to do?

    I know you're in Canada but try to keep up.
    Congressional Budget Office - H.R. 4872, Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Final Health Care Legislation) This is their final assesment. Reduction of the defecit by $143~ billion from 2010-2019 and potentially $1 trillion in the next 10. With the Medicare fix they are PROPOSING(not yet decided upon) it will only lead to a $59~ billion defecit only in the first 10 years. An extremely small price to pay(in the grand scheme of things) to get the ball rolling on health care. There's still a long way to go to get your health care system up to the standards of just about every other first world country but at least it's a start. I think you need to actually read what the proposed Medicare fix is, as well. It will definitely help in the next 20 years.

    Why are all Republicans just fine with the defense and war spending but can't spare a fraction of that amount to insure their own people? If they started caring about a fetus AFTER it was born(not just before) it'd help quite a bit.
    Last edited by mcvey; 03-29-2010 at 05:22 PM.
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  18. #58 Re: My wallet needs health care 
    Donating Users JESSEGOTTA GP GT's Avatar
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    ^^ because war and bloodshed are the only way to settle things.
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  19. #59 Re: My wallet needs health care 
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    Quote Originally Posted by JESSEGOTTA GP GT View Post
    ^^ because war and bloodshed are the only way to settle things.
    Hahah oh man. Well I'm glad you've chosen to join your countries armed forces-OH WAIT.

    I think you've got some growing up to do.
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  20. #60 Re: My wallet needs health care 
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    Don't worry Jesse Canada is going to stop Iran from getting the bomb. Remember how they saved the world in WWII. And how they rebuilt Europe. Wait, that was our arrogant asses.

    As far as getting our health care system equal to everyone else's, it's already better. And if you don't think it's available to the poor you forgot medicade and medicare. I bet there's more people dying in Canada WAITING for care then all the people that "may be" dying of lack of access to health care here.
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