So this entire winter has pretty much sucked for me. November was cool, December I had mono and have just now resumed work. Well during these last couple weeks I let my girlfriend drive my car daily because she bent one of her rims, and just a few days ago she picks me up in my own car from my house to go do something. As I'm standing in my driveway I notice something, I abrubtly walk around the front of the car to inspect something that I thought was just my imagination. Long story short, I am greeted by this....
Just totally made my day.... That bumper was brand new as of June, freshly painted, no chips, scratches, or anything. And this happens.
I know that either an ice chunk, snow pile, or snow in some entrance/parking of some sort had to have done this. Keep in mind I live in Missouri so lately temps have been in the negatives to single digits lately. I'm half tempted to turn it into the insurance company and pay the stupid $500 deductable and get it done by some one. It just kills me to walk out every morning to see what was a perfect bodied GTP now with an eye sore that was caused not by a traffic accident, or a deer, or any other sort of common damage, but some stupid ICE. And it's not like the bumper flexed as it normally would, at temps like these it just shattered.
I told my girlfriend, she got all teary and bawled on my shoulder. She loves my car and I told her everyday on the phone "You smash my car, I smash your head," just as a joke. But of course I let it go, things happen, and I love her still to death. She's just as upset or more than me because she's always by my side when I mod my car. So I told her that I probably did it backing out of my driveway the other day when I had it for a couple of hours, saying I cut the corner to soon and rammed my front end into the snow drift instead of backing all the way out into the road. Even though I'm sure I didn't do it because I never drive it, I figured it would ease it over. Oh well, I just thought it was a good story, and now I officially hate snow, ice, cold, and winter just as a whole.