I took my car to a recomended shop to have a Home Depot lumber cart incident fixed. I had an insurance check to cover it. I needed to have my air dam and trunk deck painted also. So anyway I get a quote for "out of pocket" Sounded reasonable so I left my car. I picked it up Friday, they jacked the price 200 bucks which I am going to fight BTW.
When I get home and park it in the sun I begin to look it over. Well I notice a fish eye, then another then another, a dozen later I am pissed off.Then I notice the trunk lid had paint missing on one edge, the buffer burned one edge on the trunk lid.
The sander knicked my black pillar between the two doors. I open the trunk and there is over spray in the rain channel outside the weather stripping, plus over spray on the weather stripping.
Then I otice my tailight lenses are messed up. Mine are tinted and I painted the top moulding peice black and clear coated it. They mustve oversprayed on it because it was dull like someone scrubbed he heck out of it. And on one there still was red paint on part of it. Oh and I have overspray inside my door jambs.
The kicker is I stressed many times, before I left the car, that I show the car and need show quality work done.