Suck i mean most people are rude and just looking out for them selfs. I know with anyone our own lives come first but If it doesnt put you out to help ohers then why not help...
I was detailing my car the am and saw a guy in a motorized wheel chair stuck in the middle of the intersection. His battery connection was faulty and cars just honked and drove around him like he was doing it on purpose. Me and anoher guy at the carwash went and helped get him to the side walk and i tightened his battery up BUT is that what this world has come to.
And then i was in my moms f150 after tunning it up and some chick yelled "wtf are you looking at fatasz cause i looked over cause i heard there brakes grinding. for the next 3 stop lights they were right next to me at every light she would make hella rude comments...
is wrong with people... and yea im fat big deal she was a good 275 lmao
maybe its the heat i dunno