I got a 2000 gtp and I have a 3 in catless down pipe and o2 emulator and open cone air intake. Would there be any tuning that I could get done to improve my stock tune or should I leave alone til I do future mods?
I got a 2000 gtp and I have a 3 in catless down pipe and o2 emulator and open cone air intake. Would there be any tuning that I could get done to improve my stock tune or should I leave alone til I do future mods?
mostly trans settings.
Other than that, not much.
Ok thanks I was just curious if there was any kind of gains a person could get from just tweaking a tune on a stock car.
Are you agreeing with him or answering my question sir lol?
Ok thanks for clearing that up. In what areas does a person gain from stock retune? Power? Fuel economy? Trans?
Ok thank you! Can you or anyone recommend someone in Wi that could help me with tuning?
Is that someone i can get ahold of on here?
No guy. its da troof.
He'll be here to back it up I'm sure, right?
yeah to call you stupid poopy pants.
Yeahhhhhhhhhh buddy.
I dont know **** about anything.
despite my sources being pros who are established as leaders in their fields.
They're just noobs, forrealz.
3800 guys know everything mang.
I'm surprised the rest of the internet doesnt bow down to 3800 guys.
3800 Fieroguys
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