Wanting ‘72 Olds Cutlass
I’ve been thinking of buying one for years now and I’m kind of tired of dreaming. I want to know what I’m getting into from a realty standpoint. It won’t be super fast since the 350 Rockets HP is hovering around the 200 hp mark but the torque should be fun. It will most likely see only summer days.
Just want to see what everyone’s opinion is in general regarding owning a car in its mid 30s. Is it just a maintenance headache? Do you constantly work on it? Do you become kind of “Monk-ish” with all the little imperfections you wish you could fix? Will I have to be selective as far as where I take it at to get fixed since some newer guys may only be used to new cars?
I was going to go to an olds forum but I would like yall feedback first.
I would like to have something like this