Nah, he sounds like a good guy. I'd be happy with a GT too. In fact, I'll be looking for a '12 GT to mod in a year or 2 once I sell a few things and get 6K or so to put down.

What I was thinking is that they don't want you to have such a "fast car" for fear of you getting into trouble with it. I've been down that road before. My parents taught me to be responsible and maintain a vehicle, and then said if I wanted to get something like that then I'm on my own. Needless to say I just saved the money and kept my Vic for the longest. Sure, my buddies had fast cars but you couldn't fit 6 people in a Firebird, lol... Besides, they always needed a mechanic so I always got to drive them.

If your Dad really wants you to have a nice first car, then sit down with him and discuss it. There are far worse cars to have than a GTP. By now they should be in your price range and any issues that come up are easily taken care of, and they are usually cheap to maintain and get decent mileage. Plus they are safe in case of an impact. I've seen some pretty nasty looking GP's after a wreck and the people involved are no worse for wear.

Point out all the positive things about the GTP and maybe he'll reconsider. And if the ins. co. truly won't insure a GTP, then tell them to take a hike and go get yourself your own policy. I know it will be expensive at 16 and paying it yourself, but it will be all yours and will show your parents how responsible you are which may help you out in the future when you need something