Banned for banning me for keeping secrets!
Banned for trying to break into her secrets, yo
Banned for not knowing that secrets don't make friends.
Banned for not having enough friends and trying to make more, lol
Banned for not wanting more friends.
Banned for wanting friends period, ew.
Banned for having NO friends Lol I can't believe we got the name changed we own lol
Banned for having some friends. Haha I know, if I didn't know you I'd be mad .
Banned for being a friend Meh I'm pretty tolerant lol, I wasn't angry at all lol
Banned for thinking I'm your friend. So am I lol I was joking.
Banned for not being my friend Lol, it was quite a fun experience :P
Banned for not having any friends.
Banned for being harshly honest about it.
Banned for being a liar about it.
Banned for seeing through my lies.
Banned for not knowing I had x-ray vision.
Banned for having x-ray vision and not using it for funner things
Banned for not realizing that I do .
Banned for having one of the greatest gifts ever
Banned for not having a great gift!
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