TDC, that has been a consideration and am trying to have addressed. As far as the posts that could go in more than one area, I usually leave them alone, it is, as you mentioned, the ones like what wheels should I get that is posted in the Introductions or the Lounge and the like. THOSE I jump on. I accept that it is a little more involved to determine where the posts should go with where we have the descriptions, but in my opinion, that should not be a reason to just not even try and some posts give me the indication.
I do cut some slack here and there because even if we had the descriptions under the section titles, there are going to be times in which it just happens. But it honestly go to the point where it seemed I was spending more time moving posts than actually posting and with 6500 posts, I think that says something.
I am trying to address the issue, but in the meantime, I dont think it is much to ask that the community as a whole take a few seconds to check where they are posting and whether or not what they want to post about actually belongs where they are posting. I mean there is some 'personal' responsiblility along with responsibility on behalf of the staff to make sure things run well. Right now, until we find the solution for getting section descriptions more in plain view, I have to rely on the member personal responsibility.