My brother is only a couple years younger then me. He's my best friend, the person I trust more then anybody else in my life, and we've done everything together for what seems like forever. Needless to say, we're pretty close. So seeing him off to Afghanistan a couple days ago has been pretty tough on me. He's an MP in the Army, and where he is going is a very dangerous part of the country.
Now I know everybody knows somebody that has gone off to serve, I myself have been to Iraq more then once while I was in the Air Force. It was different for me though, I never saw close combat, I've never had to fire on a living person. These things he will most certainly have to do. Four people from the platoon his is replacing have fallen in combat. Something else that's heavy on my heart is the he may return with PTSD. After this, I firmly believe it is harder to see a loved one off, then to go yourself. At least that's the way it has been for me.
You're probably thinking I'm just being a ***** that needs to man up, and you may be right. I would ask a favor of you though, if you're a person that prays from time to time, throw a little something in there for my brother. His name is Dan, and if any of you take this request seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thankyou.