That's what I'm doing. Like today for example. I was at the gym from 7:30 till 10:30 (didn't work out the whole time, spotted a friend for a good bit till he had to leave for work). I started about 30 minutes before I started working out with 2 scoops of wheyprotein along with breakfast which was roughly 40 grams. Then about 10:15 I had another scoop, 20 grams. Then for lunch I'm eating tuna with 2 egg whites cooked in along with a little bit of brown rice which will be around another 20 to 25 grams or so. Then I'm planning on some type of lean turkey for dinner.
Only had the farts one day so far but that was because I had over 100 grams within 3 to 4 hours. And they smelled horrible.