scooby, AKC golden retriever, 5 years old
this is rocky, he's a chow/something mix and he's 16 years old!!
here are a few more of my dogs..
she's a lab/Australian shepard mix
more of the pitt
all three of my dogs on thier couch.. right before i threw it out...
I have two: an 11 year old miniature schnauzer (Chase) and an 8 month old Goldendoodle (Emma) who lives at my aunts because Chase HATED herbut its ok because my aunt was looking for a dog anyway and she doesn't live that far away so I go see her every weekend
Here's some pictures of Emma:
when we first brought her home
and some more recent ones
she loves extreme close-ups lol
And I only have one good one of Chase lol
Its right after he got a hair cut
heres two of my dogs dont have a picture of the other one
This is Zues and hes one of those dogs that everyone who meet him will say for the rest of their life that hes the best dog they ever knew. He trully is mans best freind this isn't anything this dog wouldn't do to please you or get your food lol.
This Jade also know as ''Chunk" because she is just a giant chunk of muscle she weighs 4 times more than waht she looks and is known well for being oblivous to her surrondings and running into you so hard it knocks you off your feet and or brakes your bones
those are some great pics ^^^
the first one looks mad and intimidating at first, but after a second look he seems like hes just chasing after a ball or something playful
Great Pictures everyone!
Here is my Boxer Darby. I tried to find Grand Prix + dog related pictures for ya all.
When she was young and helping me outside with the compressor hose
Hanging out with me in the garage while I work
some time later chillin out in the garage
a couple of days ago while we were out playing in the snow.
She will be two in March.
heres the last dog i owned.. had to get rid of him to move... best dog evarrrr, hes the rotty and the other dog is my ex bro in laws... dutch shepard.. trained attack/contraband sniffing dog... he worked for dept of corrections.
Thanks. Shes a very good girl, glad we bought her/adopted her from the dump she was born into and living in. I'm giving her the best life she could possibly ask for. Shes a member of the family, not just a dog that stays outside all the time. She gets to go where we got most the time, and I am one of those people who takes their pets with them almost anywhere I go. Shes a good side kick, ride along when I go to work.
Lucky 3 months old pit. got her a week before xmas. she was living with 8 of her sisters in a cold and wet dirty laundry room. as soon as i got her home i took her to the vet for check up and shots. she is the smartest puppy i have ever own took her 2 weeks to learn crate train. knows couple commands. last week i had her ears cropped i know not everybody likes the idea on the ears crop.
i don't know what it is but a cute little puppy gets me every time. lucky's gonna be a beautiful girl, looks like she's well on her way to being righteous.
most dogs getting their ears/tails cropped have owners who treat them right, so i'm sure that one day outweighs a life of neglect.
most respectful vets will refuse to crop ears these days, a friend of mine wound up searching far and wide to find a vet to crop his Doberman ears, no one wants the heat anymore from the animal cruelty groups anymore. sad part is, Doberman and other breeds, the cropped tail and ears are a huge part of the breed standard.
silverbullet, looks like you need a bigger doggie bed.
Here is Darby's bed:
She loves it! Sometimes chooses that bed over our bed.
Like cute puppy pictures do ya? Here is some more!
Oh, and here is one of her other beds/pillows we have for her.
Notice that small green pillow in the back? That was her puppy pillow.
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