eric, sure they can get busted. loitering, organizing an illegal event. the cops arent stupid, they know why the cars are sitting there.
^^^they need big trucks with brush guards and dumb cops for that
haha wow here in Modesto we meet at a big parking lot with like at least 50 cars and they all run em down HWY 99. Last Friday this idiot kept burning out and doing donuts in a Lincoln Blackwood and thats when the cops got called. But no one gets arrested because we all take off in different directions. Sometimes the cops are cool enough that they hang out with us, (or the classic cars/muscle cars) they stay away from rice, one cop even told us that he hates all the ricers lol.
like i said rice is the enemy
LMAO ricers....
So is there anything the cops can do if your just chillin at your local spot. It's not even where they race at but its where everybody meets at...and if you wanna race you go to a different spot.
they can in cali and im sure other sates have laws that give them the right to stop you and stuff
Well the owner of the place we meet at doesn't care as long as were not being obnoxious (ya know burnouts, engine revving, blasting stereos etc)then he's totally cool with it. So would the cops be able to do anything in this scenario.
What if you bought something. What about then..cuz then your technically not loitering since you bought something from his business.
These situations just seem kinda shady for the people like myself that don't actually race at these little "gettogethers" and just go to check out cars and talk cars.
I just wanted some clarifacation on this subject. That's all
honestly depends on the cops/prperty owners/laws/attitudes of people in gathering and so on
Everybody is pretty well mannered at our little meets. They follow the rules the owner sets pretty well. But yes there are always a couple people that are..well ya know.
I guess it's whatever..as long as I buy something and don't race I dont think there is a whole lot they can do since I'm not racing or loitering but i'm sure theyd come up with affilation or intent or some stupid sh!t like that.
I've only heard of the cops being there once.
There's only been one wreck that I now of and that was like 15 years ago. It was bad....dude on a crotch rocket skipped over some railroad tracks and wiped out. He sadly didn't survive.
We have a place at an old mall parking lot with an autocross track that people go on. Normally the cops will hang out and watch, but never pull anyone over or stop it unless it gets out of hand or people act stupid. They do like toget people speeding as the pull out onto the roads though.
he does have a point though....
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