I went to one of my friends house on new years eve to have a good time. Knowing that I had to work at 6 in the morning I decided not to drink. When I went to leave my buddys house a little after 1, I see in the rear view mirror bright Red and Blue lights flashing..As the officer walked up he asked me how much have you had to drink I reply "I have had nothin to drink to night" I then gave him my licence and registeration. He then asks me to get out of the car and says, "I know for a fact you have had something to drink tonight." He did his little follow the pen and shinned his light in my eye. When he was done with that he said "you did that really well, I still believe you have had something to drink tonight." So he has me blow into the breathalyzer 2 different times. Knowing that the first and the second test said nothing. So I went on my marry way home. I hope he felt like an a**. Plus my inspection has been up for 2 months now and he never bothered to look at that. I guess i will be getting that done tomorrow...