was wondering if there was anyone who loved close to york pa. That could help me with a pulley swap. And what tool i need. Or does anyone know how much a garage costs to do this
was wondering if there was anyone who loved close to york pa. That could help me with a pulley swap. And what tool i need. Or does anyone know how much a garage costs to do this
It's like $30 with an $85 deposit or something like that to rent a pulley-puller, and like $80 to own. Might be worth giving Colyer's a call to see if he's got one to let you do your own or do it for you. 717-927-9119. Good, cheap work.
Last edited by SlowNA06; 05-13-2011 at 04:12 PM.
if its an easy thing to swap with that puller i might just rent it
Near as I can tell, if you can't operate a pulley puller, you're probably best off not modifying the car yourself. I assume a puller will some with instructions,too.
Oh, and since you didn't mention anything, I would suggest doing some research and doing intake/exhaust flow mods before changing to a smaller supercharger pulley. Without them, it's likely you will blow up the engine. That is to say, if you haven't done such mods already.
I didn't care where it was..lol
Just saying.. if you look at a map, PA is right below Drunkie..Just to the left of me.. and on long freaking state to drive through.
Zones.. ??? two zones of good road, seperated by the hell of 40 mile construction and the worlds largest recorded pothole which you are sidetracked from seeing by the Billboard sized sign stating there is a drunk driving checkpoint 2 miles down the road (please exit now).
yea its ne. And yea i already am working on all other mods before i drop the pulley in the main expense is the aeroforce gauge 240 bucks
i have a puller i am rite in n.e philly i can meet half way and do it its not hard i could bring toold i usely get like 50 bucks and sum gas money if intrested
pm me if so..
just found this and tad late in response. im located in lancaster, about 30-40min north of york.
edit-i think i still have a pulley puller in the garage somewhere. bur like others said, if u havent modded/tune the car to support the pulley, do it now before dropping sizes
honestly it'll take prolly like an hour give or take depending on how much a ***** the stock pulley is and pressing on the MPS. i havent done one in a few years since gone to turbo. maybe either you or i should read up on installing the mps. pulling the stock one out is simpler IMO
edit-if the outlets you mean rockvale, i live like 15min away from there. could just come to my place and trackle it there.
The colder the blower is the better.
I drove 15 minutes grandama style, let it sit for another 20-30 and i still ended up with a bent stock pulley.
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