Dammm that suxx I just got stuff and used save5 lol thanks. Bro
How about $65 bucks shipped to your door???
I'm just sayin cause i have a white GTP, and i could use some tail lights since mine are garbage. I hate driving the nice car with the horrible tails. Only reason i need non expensive ones is because im 19, and after my first car's transmission blew out, i bought this gtp but then used all my money into it so i have literally almost no money. Just trying to get your opinion on the sale, and ill go look at the thread right now.
Let me think about it, I've got 87 bucks in them that's why I was asking that for them I gave 60+shipping but that's not your concern.if you want some better pics you can look at the ad I bought them from its about 3-4 pages back in the for sale section, same title tinted stock tails, I bought them from slicetherice.