~11.6 a hair up or down, E85, 18.5* of timing (pulled 1.5* after a tick of Kr was seen towards the end of the night
8 runs total.
back half average gain was 29.87 mph, best of 32.45 on the second to last run of the night (26 psi...ooops)
best 60' was 2.322 (keep in mind folks we arent pushing 1st/2nd gear...plus street tires
best runs are the last two.
2nd to last
rt .977
60' 2.595
330' 6.927
1/8th 9.712
1/8 mph 92.89
1000' 11.931
1/4 mile 13.747 @ 125.34 (back 1/8 4.047s and 32.45 mph gain)
last (24psi)
rt 3.064
60' 2.322
330' 6.253
1/8th 9.016
1/8 mph 92.04
1000' 11.261
1/4 mile 13.1 @ 123.57 (back 1//8 4.087 and 31.53 mph gain)