First thing first, my old, terrible, chunked belt (there is quite literally a 6-7 inch chunk gone from one rib, and the entire belt is missing half of the top strip of another rib) DOES-NOT-SQUEAL.
seriously, no chirp, no slip, no glazing, no burning, nada.. turns everything just fine under load or not. end of story. Pulleys seem to be okay, not great... but no wobble, no bearings seem to be shot.
Now my problem is that every f#%$&^% new belt I buy, squeals far more than I could ever imagine. and it's always the same way, the day I first put it on, it's all fine, the next morning is a chirp that goes away after some time to idle, and then later that day is a full blown squeal. I've tried every effective length from 93.3 to 94 inch. I'm absolutely 100% positive the tensioner is slightly out of alignment (the tensioner, NOT the pulley on it's own) there is a gap compared to the S/C tensioner, and the gap size looks almost identical to how much the pulley sticks out too far, judging by eyeball anyways.
Still, this doesn't explain why the old belt works flawless, and new belts work for half a day as if they were wearing quickly leading to squeal. (bit measurements show no wear what so ever from this short period)
Any body got some thoughts, tips, hell...randoms shots in the dark about how to go for atleast correcting it short term?
not having any other problems aside from my rear valve cover seeming to be leaking.. sigh, damn this hard to access design