Hi guys,

Fritz here from North Carolina. I am still new to the L-67 3800 Series II in my 2000 SSEI Bonneville,and as tight as money is I am trying very hard with limited funds to get the maximum performance out of this engine without sacrificing dependability.

I wouldn't mind adding some "bling" with some polished or chromed trinkets to if you can steer me in the right direction for those.

My car is a dead stock 2000 model SSEI,black with gray leather interior,optional 17" Pontiac rims and 132,000 miles.Thought I would never own one as it was $35,000 new but negotiated this one from 3k down to $1000 cash and $500 in Mopar and 57 Chevy parts I had been sitting on forever (finally paid off! ).

Anyhow I am hoping there are allot of inter changable parts between our cars since they have the same engine.