Thread: Love it or List it - Opinions please!

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  1. #1 Love it or List it - Opinions please! 
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    Okay Okay, terrible subject line I know, and I'm sorry.

    Anyway, Hey all!
    I could really use your help, and the opinions of some more mechanically inclined than I am.

    I have a 98 GTP, around 110k miles.
    It was my dream car when I bought it in 2001 and I still love it.
    Life has stolen a lot of my time the last several years, so the old girl has basically been in storage for the majority of 5 years.

    It is basically stock and definitely needs some major TLC. I have not really dug into it yet so I'm not totally sure what it all needs, but a few things off the top of my head: probably normal tune up stuff (belts and fluids), A/C compressor is toast, possible power steering leak, and there's a little grind in the breaks (maybe from lack of use).

    The major thing, and what scares me the most, is for a long time, even when I drove it regularly, there is some oil leaking from some of the gaskets. It's minor because it is never low on oil, but in an ideal world, I would like to clear that up.

    I've watched some youtube videos the last couple days for replacing Lower Intake manifold gaskets. I'm not sure if thats what mine needs, but if it is, it might be too much for me to handle. I am pretty comfortable getting my hands dirty, but I am far from being a professional mechanic.

    Now to the point of this whole story...
    I would like your opinions on if this old dream machine of mine is worth keeping around. If money was no object, I would have it restored and tuned and keep it forever. I know I won't get much if I sell it, but I also know it's not worth sticking a bunch of money into as a rip around town kind of car. I have space and it is not my main ride, so I could take my time on repairs. I would have to do most of the repair work my self to save money and it would have to be done sporadically as time allows. With life always interrupting, those repairs might take longer than desired.

    If it was yours, what would you do?

    Thank you all for reading my ramble. Any help and suggestions you have would be much appreciated.
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  2. #2 Re: Love it or List it - Opinions please! 
    Killa Bee Scottydoggs's Avatar
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    i sold my regal and it was leak free and ran and drove fine. had it for 10 years, sold it a year ago. for like 6 months i missed it. but i got over it. i was up to 3 cars and me as the only driver of all 3. so the oldest one went up for sale. sold it in a week pretty much too. had mods, im sure that helped lol

    my point is, if you have other cars and have not looked at this one for 5 years, just let it go. some kid would love to fix it up and beat the tar out of it.

    98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection
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  3. #3 Re: Love it or List it - Opinions please! 
    Donating Users GT2000's Avatar
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    I would keep it and fix it if I were you, especially if you like the car. They're aren't that hard to work on, and parts are cheap. Great as a reliable spare car, and/or fun car. We have a 98 GT that the AC don't work, leaks oil from EVERYWHERE, paint is about gone, and rust is starting to get to it, however, that car fires right up, everytime, even with a almost 9 year old battery. The 98 is just a spare car right now, but why get rid of it, its paid for and runs great. Plus, yours is a GTP, the fun one, unless you live in Pennsylvania and want to sell it to me LOL
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  4. #4 Re: Love it or List it - Opinions please! 
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    Quote Originally Posted by GT2000 View Post
    I would keep it and fix it if I were you, especially if you like the car. They're aren't that hard to work on, and parts are cheap. Great as a reliable spare car, and/or fun car. We have a 98 GT that the AC don't work, leaks oil from EVERYWHERE, paint is about gone, and rust is starting to get to it, however, that car fires right up, everytime, even with a almost 9 year old battery. The 98 is just a spare car right now, but why get rid of it, its paid for and runs great. Plus, yours is a GTP, the fun one, unless you live in Pennsylvania and want to sell it to me LOL
    That last line... when my time comes I'll have to hit you up. I'm gonna be dumping my GTP at some undisclosed time, and don't just want it to go to waste. I'm in the Pittsburgh area...

    OP- It really depends on your feelings, in my opinion. If you like the car, and can fix it to a level where you feel comfortable using it, use it. That level is different for everyone. Some people are meticulous as all hell, some people just want it to drive. it's all up to you.
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  5. #5 Re: Love it or List it - Opinions please! 
    Donating Users GT2000's Avatar
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    I'm pretty meticulous when it comes to cars, I like stuff to be clean, and look presentable if its mine. That 98 GT is my parents, not mine. If it were mine I'd address the oil leaks, and repaint the hood at least. As a extra car i would probably forgo the AC tho. As is the car works fine, and if u check the oil every once in awhile, your fine.
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  6. #6 Re: Love it or List it - Opinions please! 
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    Thanks everyone for the replies!

    I think Scotty makes a great point. If I haven't touched it in 5 years, I probably won't miss it. My wife would 100% agree with this statement

    I have heard the statement "do not get emotionally attached to a car" because you end up spending more time and money on it that it is actually worth and it just makes it harder to get rid of. Unfortunately it's too late. This one has a lot of memories.

    I use to enjoy tinkering on it and still love the idea of working on it to use as a "fun car". I'm just struggling to decide how practical it actually is. I've definitely got some thinking to do.

    I think the next step is to dig into it a little bit and see what I'm dealing with. If just the basics will make it reliable enough for tooling around town I would love to stick it out for a while longer.

    I appreciate the thoughts everyone.
    I'm sure if I do hang on to her I'll be around on the board pretty regular.
    I've even thought about typing up and posting my adventures. We will see. I've got a buddy who posts tons of stuff on youtube which is entertaining, but I don't have the personality for the spotlight.

    Thanks again everyone.

    PS: Hey, my apologies GT200 but I'm unfortunately nowhere near Pittsburgh. It sounds like Onxy's got your hookup though.
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  7. #7 Re: Love it or List it - Opinions please! 
    Donating Users GT2000's Avatar
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    Even Pittsburgh is pretty far for me, being almost 4 hours one way lol. Good luck with whatever you decide to do with it.
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