I hop this post can help somebody, but the point of this post is so I remember what I did. So I have a 2006 Pontiac grand prix GT with 120,000 miles. I have had a coolant smell forever in the engine bay, but until recently I never lost any coolant. Also never smelled any coolant in the cabin. Until recently. Two months ago I noticed the coolant was a little low so I had the car pressure tested and the showed me a leak in the radiator. I replaced the radiator and all was good for a month. Then I noticed a coolant smell on the inside and losing more coolant. Also, the temperature fluctuated more than it usually did, but never overheated. Also, for the last few years I have noticed no heat in the winter and a gurgling behind the firewall. I have flushed the heater core several times, and it helps temporarily. So I finally decided today is the day. I was going to tackle the heater core and check everything else. I will go step by step. Also