This How To write-up on Transmission Sprocket Ratio Swap has been added to the HOW TO section and can be found HERE.
This How To write-up on Transmission Sprocket Ratio Swap has been added to the HOW TO section and can be found HERE.
Very well written write up Dave. I would like to tear into a tranny sometime, just so I can see what is inside and maybe learn something. You have made me think twice about not building my own tranny. Maybe I will contacting you this spring![]()
Dave, WOW! You're just gonna make me cry with all this wonderful information. Its like giving crack to a drug user, LOL
Thank you again so much for your sacrifice here bud. I will never be able to express it well enough or say it enough but I appreciate all that you are doing?
You got anything else on the plate we can be looking forward to?
i would like to ask if the tcc shift silonoid can be replaced with the tranny in the car through the pan or does it have to be done with it pulled on the 96 model 4t60e thanks
very impressive tranny many... have some questions myself if you wouldnt mind answering them. i have a 2003 gtp n the trans went on it friday. was wondering what the best solution would be and some prices.. not looking to spend a too much... maybe 1500. i was wondering how hard it is to rebuild one of these myself?
Bump. Update the link Please.
Yea, good luck with that. Pretty much just follow this and ask any questions you might have:
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