2003 pontiac grand prix GT with dual climate control unit with DUAL SLIDERS.
recently started having the passenger side blow HOT when slider is set to COLD. sometimes i could wiggle the slider up/down one notch and get it to start blowing cold, but it's completely random.
i removed the passenger side actuator and inspected the gears. everything looks good (link to photos below): Photo Album - Imgur
i then disconnected the battery for 15min and reintalled the actuator (so the computer could reset the actuator). i then turned the car on with everything installed and moved the slider between hot and cold to verify the actuator was functioning. the actuator was moving but upon releasing the slider the actuator would continue to move or "hunt" on it's own ... moving back and forth between hot/cold settings and would not settle into the full cold location as set by the slider (and thus continue to blow out hot air instead of cold AC from passenger vents).
would this behavior stem from a problem with the HVAC control unit itself? or maybe the solonoid within the actuator (since the gears are not broken and the unit)? is it possible there could be a loose connection somewhere on the back of the HVAC control unit, or would this behavior indicate something internally to the HVAC control unit? thank you -