^^^ agreeed
Do you guys also see my point of you've gotta get the colour temp PERFECT when taking the pic else its useless?
And yeah, they SHOULD be 4300 K and they do look pretty blue in comparison to most people's headlights.
Its a great spot to do it as well since its gloss white. Not a shade off.
Will get some proper colour temp ones once the HID's arrive.
Note all the light just below the two main concentrations of light from the GP are all my foglights.
so canada post/ USPS has failed me once again. 10 buisness days and no lights.
JLM HID kit at 6000k. Had for about 1 year. Works good so far. Had to modify the bulbs with light shields to block out 180 degrees on the bottom. Looks alot more OEM in my opinion. Also, just an observation, the 5000K would probably be the best mix between the OEM and "too blue". Even at 6K the bluishness is a bit too much.
we kneed pics @ nite wif a view uv watt ur lites dew.
yadoodzfashodonyounohowdeezwork? kthnxbie
I have to admit that actually took effort....
But seriously, just post pictures of your headlights on at NIGHT and then of the light on the road or on something else like a white wall ( eg. garage door).
MUCH more useful comparison.
If i get a relay setup for my fogs tonight i'll take some pics.
I took them during the day so you could see the light pattern inside the headlight. Otherwise you'd see a big glow around the headlight. I will take some pics at night and post those too. The light output is cut down when shields are installed obviously, but it look better (comparable to some high-end cars) and your whole headlight isn't blasting illegal HID output.
learn to operate your camera
Also i dont see the light pattern, I just see a car with the lights on haha.
DDM 5000K love em!
Hmm, I like those 5000's
Fogs work again... Thanks to a $5 relay and the wires that came with them.
So here are the 4300 K diode dynamics, stock headlight housings.
With some 4" round H3 lights i use for fogs. Standard halogen 55 W bulbs in there.
Just fogs.
Last edited by matt5112; 09-03-2010 at 10:20 PM.
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