I just bought a 1997 grand prix gtp. I have noticed a few things wrong with the electrical that I didn't notice while test driving it. Well actually a lot of things.
1. First the Auto lights only work if the AC/heater blower is off or on 5. 1-4 turns them off and they don't work. Strange thing is they all work if the ignition is in the on position without the engine running.
2. The control panel only works half the time. When it does it only last a little while or is very dim. (This one I did notice but I figured it would be an easy fix so I didn't really care.)
3. The rear window defroster is not working at all.
Finally this one isn't Possibly isn't electrical
I got a cylinder 3 misfire trouble code change the spark plugs and checked for spark. Didn't work but while I was replacing the spark plugs I noticed that the number 3 cylinder spark plug looked as if it was brand new the others didn't so I'm now thinking that it might be a fuel problem. Just curious what you guy's think.
So thank you in advance for any ideas that you have.