I have a 2008 Pontiac Grand Prix GXP with 43,000 miles. This morning after a couple miles down the road, I had a double chime and the message "low washer fluid" displayed on the DIC (driver information center) Obviously, I checked the washer fluid level. Right at the top. I acknowledged the message by hitting the set/reset button. It continues to chime and display a couple minutes after start up, and then for a few seconds when I shut the car down. I've checked the fluid again - still right at the top. I used the wiper fluid and ran it down a little bit and then refilled - same thing. It's not leaking - and It's hard to get at the reservoir as it's tucked behind the battery, under the support, and up against the firewall/fender. What am I missing to get rid of this message? Any help would be appreciated.