Hey guys, I had my Transmission fluid flushed (pan gasket and Filter change too) last week at 57k miles. Long story short the Fu** Tards didn't fill up my tranny fluid before i was allowed to drive off on my way.. so i experienced rough shifting like immediately, and brought the car back. They apologized like it was their purpose in life and topped it off like 1 gallon later lol. Anyway, the Tranny shifted fine for 5 days then I noticed after long drive times it shifts really rough again until it cools a little, then its fine. So i went back today, they did a reflush and checked everything out. So now my fingers are crossed! Found out it all looks good except my tranny fluid/engine seems to be running a bit hot! The guy suggested a coolant flush since i've never had it done. I really don't wanna mess with that Dexcool sh*t so i'm hesitant to do it plus i dont wanna use Dexcool again. How does everyone feel about that green Chameleon Antifreeze? Is it any good/a good Dexcool replacement?