Lately I've noticed on my aeroforce that my LTFT's are about 6-7 at cruise (~75) on the highway and then when I let off the throttle for a few secs they tend to peg at about 15, neither of which, obviously is good.
I have a couple ideas what may be causing this but I'll just play completely dumb (not that big of a challenge for me) and ask for other's ideas as to what may be happening.
A few weeks ago I installed 1.9 rockers and with getting all the crap out of the way to get the valve covers off and then back on I wonder if I cracked or loosened a vac line or something.
Probably as a direct result of this issue my time at the track this past weekend was about 6/10th's of a sec slower with my new rockers than it was last fall w/o them, 14.4 vs 13.8!