I have a 04 comp g that I drive and a 05 comp g that I'm letting my girlfriend drive. First the 05...My girlfriend was putting new plug wires on and started the car. I heard it back fire and ran out and shut it off. I noticed she mixed up cyl 3 & 5. I plugged them into the right cyls and tried starting it turned over but didn't start. I turned the key off to it out. Waited a minute or two and tried to start again. This time nothing but a click happened as if the battery were dead. I checked with a meter and I get 12v both when the key is on and turned to start. It's got a new alternator and starter about 2 months ago. When I turn the key on every service traction, stabilization and abs message comes on in the DIC. Including reduced engine power. I might be missing one or two but you get the point. I don't have a way to get it to a shop and I don't want to just up and buy a new pcm, bcm, etc and just guess. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of issue? ****ty thing is, a day before she did that, my 04 comp g did about the same thing minus the plug wire screw up/back fire. All the service lights in the dic come on when I turn the key on and the single click when I turn the key to on happens and I have an optima red battery in both cars reading 12v when key is on and turned to start. Besides kicking my girlfriend out of my house, I would highly appreciate any help, suggestions or advice.