Two main questions, will the (much clearer and sharper image) HUD from my 06 gxp swap into the gtp fairly easy, I don't care about the compas and temp part just the speed.

has anyone attempted to swap the center console between the two. I'm not expecting anything to bolt up but I would assume dimensions should be similar. Basically I just want the new cupholders and newer look.

allready swapping . . .
roof rails
gxp brakes and rims
possibly struts
my custom intake (stage -2 cold air lol)

should I swap sway bars?
Any other things you guys can think of?

oh and before the questions start, gxp is not getting another dime put into it, engine, tranny, axles, hubs (3), a/c, and something bent in the unibody rear end (dog tracks almost 3 inches even after multiple alignment attempt) . . . All have problems and/or don't work at all. Basically I learned not to let the wife decide on wether to buy a car or not