I actually have a set of CompG rims sitting in the barn that I bought back when I really liked them, I'd totally trade for those, lol. Canada is a bit of a drive though!
That's interesting, since Bermuda Blue (blue/green) was only offered 05/06, and those rims were only on manufactured 2007 cars to the best of my knowledge. I've done research (probably obsessive, lol) on 7th gen Grand Prix build dates for colors, options, packages and stuff, but I've had a hard time coming across info on the rim switch from '06 to '07 GTs and when exactly it occurred. So, I've just gone off of cars I've seen for sale, and GTs I've look at the manufacture date on.
These two threads on GPONA have some great info on the CompGs and '06 SE: http://www.gpona.com/forums/04-08-gr...ers-t5018.html http://www.gpona.com/forums/04-08-gr...cket-t123.html