Conversation Between BillBoost37 and lafenatu

1 Visitor Messages

  1. So I have a question for you. I am still very new to the world of the L67. I am interested in doing rockers on my car. I have a friend that does portwork professionally so he is doing a set of L67 heads as well as a Gen 3 and Gen 3 LIM. So my question is this, he has a set of LS6 blue and LS6 yellow springs sitting on his shelf. I don't want to waste money on these springs if they are not worth it.

    1. Do you recommend one over the other? Are they a waste of money?

    2. I can't find much information on true gains of modified rockers vs a true roller set.

    Where would you go from here? I have zero intention of doing a cam, I want to try and keep my drivability as is.

    Thanks in advance Bill,

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