Let's start with story time.
For the duration that I have owned this car, a 98 Grand Prix GT, the ABS and the Trac off light have been on. But lately things are changing.... dunh dunh duuuuuuhhh
(Excuse the theatrics, it's late and I'm a little manic from my bipolar lol)
Anyways. Now the lights, both of them, will sometimes flash anywhere from 10 to 15 times once I fully start the car. After they get done with their flashing, both the lights either stay on, or they both shut off for that drive.
I'm thinking there is a gremlin screwing with my wiring. If a hub was bad don't you think it would just stay on indefinitely? Not randomly shut off after owning it for 10 months?
You're probably gonna tell me to go get it scanned, and I'm working on that, sadly no place is open at 2am
Just some odd behaviour in the life of a w-body.