When I put on my parking brake, the right rear one locks up and wont release for a few kilometers. found the rotor glowing red hot one night !!!??
Its an integral parking brake for the 04 plus. the caliper piston twists out.
mine does the same thing. pretty sure its an adjustment. whatever you do dont drive it with it on. ur gona burn ur rotors and pads. next time keep a flat head in the car and get behind the caliper and snap it loose. ive had to do it 3 times all three during cold weather
I know this is an old post but I've searched and this is the closest to my problem.
I know I should, but I dont look at my brakes that often (I do have yearly inspections). Recently looked at the rear rotors and found them to look like a vinyl record, divet lines in circles. So, I go to change the pads and rotors. After jacking it up I found it hard to turn the wheel. I get it all apart (rotor was stuck to hub), I'm having trouble getting the caliper to open fully. I broke a C clamp already (it was a cheaper clamp anyway but still..) thinking it is the ebrake I soaked the ebrake cable and spring with wd40 and got the spring arm to move where I think it should be but my clamp is now broken and will wait till tomorrow to get a new one.
Am I missing anything else? This seems like a common issue but don't see much about the 04+ ebrake
The piston doesn't push it it turns in with a special tool
Hmm.. Interesting. After googling it, is this it? OEM/Disc Brake Caliper Tool Set (27111) | Disc Brake Caliper Tool | AutoZone.com
Thats what you need
Only think you could do is lube up the cables.
I rented the tool and replaced the opposite side fine. I got the driver side piston in as far as I could and the ebrake cable is where it needs to be now. But after re assembling the tire doesn't spin freely when off the ground. Is this bad where I shouldn't drive it?
Does it spin really hard or just a little resistance?
it was really hard then I pressed it a little more and now all seems well. stops on a dine like when I first bought it. thanks for all the help.
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