Thread: Bent/broken sub frame?

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  1. #1 Bent/broken sub frame? 
    SE Level Member
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    Hello im new to the forum and need some help. I have a 2005 grand prix GT 150k miles and few months ago i popped the hood and noticed my engine was shifted towards the drivers side a good 2-3 inches and the dogbones were bent and slightly twisted. I ordered and replaced all of the engine mounts including the dogbones and the under rad support brackets theyre bolted too. We did the lower engine mount first with no issues but when we got to the trans mount it looked like it was bent towards the ground to me but we threw it in and bolted everything back up lowered the car and when we went to put the new dog bones in the engine was still shifted to the side we were able to get them in but they are at an angle in the rad support bushings. The car drives and handles poorly and feels sluggish. Could the subframe be bent or is it more likely cracked? Is there any suggestions anyone has for things i could check or know a way for me to check the sub frame for damage? Any help would be greatly appreciated
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  2. #2 Re: Bent/broken sub frame? 
    Killa Bee Scottydoggs's Avatar
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    them al sub frames are pretty tough, but in sure if hit hard enough they could bend. if you cant find another al sub frame the steel one from the older cars will fit.

    98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection
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  3. #3 Re: Bent/broken sub frame? 
    GT Level Member
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    you can put a straight edge on the frame to see if its bent. a picture of how the engine is sitting and of the problem area of the frame might help us help you.
    can the engine move 2-3" one way or the other in there? if it is then seems the whole front end would have to shift.
    how are the sub frame bushings?
    08 grand prix NA3800
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