Hey guys, so this summer I've spent quite a bit of time on my '02 GP GTPs front end. The car is over 100,000 miles now and several things have needed to be replaced. On both sides, I have new wheel hub/bearings, CV joints, and strut/shock/strut mount assemblies. But there is still a front end noise that has got me absolutely stumped, and I would like to have the car completely fixed before the cold weather hits here.
The sound is a pop/clunk type which is heard when taking alternating corners sharply. What I mean by alternating is that when I turn sharp left I might heard it, but not when I turn left again until I turn right. It's like something is popping back and forth into place. Also, it only occurs when turning moderately sharply. The sound does not happen when I slow down significantly for a turn (it's not just from the wheel turning from what I can tell - it's related to forces from the car turning). I managed to get a video of the sound here, around the 00:04 second mark:
I've obviously inspected/tugged at most of the parts of the front end with no luck (tie rods etc.), but at this point anything could be suspect and I haven't been able to reproduce the sound when the car is not moving. Related: the car clunks badly when shifting into reverse, not sure if it is transmission or related to this - I will get a video of this up asap. Based on this, is there any possibility it is the transmission mounts? I don't know, I'm pretty frustrated that replacing the strut/shocks didn't aleviate this issue.