Thread: battery drain

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  1. #1 battery drain 
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    hey everyone,

    someone had to make this post with this weather going on out here and I guess I'm the unlucky one lol. but I've been having problems with my battery and it seems to drain very quick ever since temps got below 45 if I let it sit for over a day 24hours+ I can't start it without a jump but of course me being hard headed thought I could just make start my car every day during this -10 temps and the reason it was bad is because I'm on e85 and it takes loads of CCA's to start it well I was wrong went to start it this morning 7 am after turning it off at 7 pm the night before and battery was completely gone. the battery is at most 2 years old and is the duralast gold so I checked that off and the alternator is just about a year old. I do have an aftermarket pioneer radio with the $40 schooche interface I seen this was the problem for some but also notice every now and then that my HVAC fans will randomly turn on for a few mins even though the cars been off for 10 to 20 min for example if I was washing just the outside you could hear them kick on out of nowhere and back off in a few mins. could it be repeating this intermittent cycle and killing my battery. I'm going to jump it in the morning just worried about it dying at work. if the radio is the culprit I can just unplug it and cruise with the jbl wireless speaker for a bit haha until my girlfriend annoys me with her complaining lol.
    2004 gtp SD headers, e85, #60 injectors, Walbroh 255lph, junkyard custom fender well intake, lq4 MAF, 2.8 Pulley, 1.95 rockers, l76 springs, ssic w/ vw rad shift kit and tranny cooler 275/45r17. BMR trailing and rear control arms, zzp STB's, tubular control arms, Dorman and Addoco sway bars, intense coilovers, all poly. avid av-20s
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  2. #2 Re: battery drain 
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    Cold -28 start attempt Just killed the battery in the 2003 grand prix. Wont even take a charge. Can start the car with a jump and runs fine. But turn it on and dead. 3.5 volts. Battery probably over 5 years old will have to throw a new one in this weekend as well.

    I would load test the batt. This cold is hell on them.
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  3. #3 Re: battery drain 
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    I did have something plugged into my 12v the whole night and read this could cause it as American cars always draw power from there if somethings plugged in while foriegn cars dont previous car was foriegn so never ran into this problem and it probably being cold just exposed the battery draw it does
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  4. #4 Re: battery drain 
    Killa Bee Scottydoggs's Avatar
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    some cars the power port stays on key off, some turn off when the key is off, has nothing to do where its made or sold.

    get the battery load tested too. as well as the alts volts.

    you battery is likely dead, i also lost the battery in my tahoe 2 weeks ago. failed to even take a charge, or jump start. best i got was a slow crank and click click click.....

    always unplug your power ports when its this cold. the extra drain will help kill it over night.

    that fan turning on is also a issue, ignition harness gone bad could cause this, or maybe the fan resistor is going bad, some how its getting power with out being told so. you could pull its fuse and see if the batterys dead in the morning to.

    98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection
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  5. #5 Re: battery drain 
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    okay I jump started it around 4:30 am no problem think it was still -5 out also battery is a duralast gold and I had them test it a month ago or 2 now that I remember and they said it was good
    also I have the voltage meter on the DIC it reads over 15 volts most of the time sometimes surges at idle but its intermittent idk if this means anything.
    also I got the new ignition recall from GM like a year ago (I know late to the party) do they change the ignition harness when they do that?
    fan resistor is fairly new as well probably just hitting 2 years and I just did the cooling fan motor less than a month ago both failed in the dead of winter while i had an hour commute.

    always had problems connecting any obd reader to the system scangauge connects fine for some odd reason but even the $700 obd readers at parts stores have a really tough time reading most times just dont work also have 2 Bluetooth ones that i don't think ever worked but work fine on a friends 2005 gp could this be another indicator of a bad ignition harness
    2004 gtp SD headers, e85, #60 injectors, Walbroh 255lph, junkyard custom fender well intake, lq4 MAF, 2.8 Pulley, 1.95 rockers, l76 springs, ssic w/ vw rad shift kit and tranny cooler 275/45r17. BMR trailing and rear control arms, zzp STB's, tubular control arms, Dorman and Addoco sway bars, intense coilovers, all poly. avid av-20s
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  6. #6 Re: battery drain 
    Killa Bee Scottydoggs's Avatar
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    got the stock radio still? aftermarket adapters and such can cause odd ball crap too.

    dic for volts is not really accurate, when they tested the load they can see volts car off. and on. on is the alts volts its putting out.

    my regals battery also went really weak, same day the tahoes wend bad. i took the battery out and charged it for 12-15 hrs. then put my solar charger on it cause it sits all winter, last night it was like zero out, it fired right up. been sitting a week or so.

    98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection
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  7. #7 Re: battery drain 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottydoggs View Post
    got the stock radio still? aftermarket adapters and such can cause odd ball crap too.

    dic for volts is not really accurate, when they tested the load they can see volts car off. and on. on is the alts volts its putting out.

    my regals battery also went really weak, same day the tahoes wend bad. i took the battery out and charged it for 12-15 hrs. then put my solar charger on it cause it sits all winter, last night it was like zero out, it fired right up. been sitting a week or so.
    yea i have an aftermarket radio but that oddball crap has always been going on even with the stock radio but yea i can always have them check later hopefully im still in warranty if the battery is bad haha
    2004 gtp SD headers, e85, #60 injectors, Walbroh 255lph, junkyard custom fender well intake, lq4 MAF, 2.8 Pulley, 1.95 rockers, l76 springs, ssic w/ vw rad shift kit and tranny cooler 275/45r17. BMR trailing and rear control arms, zzp STB's, tubular control arms, Dorman and Addoco sway bars, intense coilovers, all poly. avid av-20s
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  8. #8 Re: battery drain 
    Killa Bee Scottydoggs's Avatar
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    i was 3 months out of warranty on my duralast tested low. the full re charge did the trick for mine.

    so, it come with the radio, or you installed it?

    98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection
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  9. #9 Re: battery drain 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scottydoggs View Post
    i was 3 months out of warranty on my duralast tested low. the full re charge did the trick for mine.

    so, it come with the radio, or you installed it?
    I installed it with the schooche interface about a year ago had the car for 3 and its always had those quirks. ive noticed with the new radio my car will beep sometimes like the door is open and key in ignition even with the car off key out and door closed until I lock it angrily 3 times just something I deal with though
    2004 gtp SD headers, e85, #60 injectors, Walbroh 255lph, junkyard custom fender well intake, lq4 MAF, 2.8 Pulley, 1.95 rockers, l76 springs, ssic w/ vw rad shift kit and tranny cooler 275/45r17. BMR trailing and rear control arms, zzp STB's, tubular control arms, Dorman and Addoco sway bars, intense coilovers, all poly. avid av-20s
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