Thread: Weird shake issue and LIM shopping list

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  1. #1 Weird shake issue and LIM shopping list 
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    I have a 2004 Grand Prix GTP and have had a "shaking" issue as I can best describe it with this car for a while. If you can picture sitting in the drivers seat and taking your foot off the brake pedal and just let the car creep forward without touching the gas the motor literally shakes the car. The issue seems to be more pronounced when I first start it up in the morning, but this issue happens when I reverse out of my garage as well. Any insight would be great! As well, I believe that my LIM gaskets are done, as I had a leak coming from my water pump and just replaced it, but my car seems to be running "hotter" then it did before, but I am seeing coolant sitting by my fuel injectors as I had dye placed in the coolant to detect my water pump issue. If possible could someone leave a "complete shopping list" of parts I need for this job. I was going to use the FEL-PRO MS98014T Intake Manifold Gasket Set but I need to know what else I will need that is not included in said gasket set. My list so far for the job is as follows:

    FEL-PRO Part# MS98014T Intake Manifold Gasket Set; Lower set
    FEL-PRO Part# MS96789 Plenum Gasket Set; Upper set
    DORMAN Part# 47065HP Elbow; Aluminum; w/O-ring Seal; Includes Upper & Lower Elbow Aluminum Elbow w/O-ring Seal; Incl. Upper and Lower Elbow
    Oil/Filters and coolant

    Thanks again for your time in reading my issue's and your helpful knowledge and responses!
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  2. #2 Re: Weird shake issue and LIM shopping list 
    GT Level Member 94GrandPrixSE's Avatar
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    upper and lower intake gaskets rtv should be included if your using fel pro. valve cover gaskets are good to replace if you haven't. coolant, oil, oil filter, blue lock tite, degreaser and a razor blade for removing and cleaning gasket surfaces. you will also need a torque wrench. its early but I think that's everything.
    02 GTP - Cartuning Turbo Kit VS67 3" DP, 80#INJ, N*,LQ4 MAF, Custom Cam, Roller Rockers, 130#, P&P Heads, Meth, AL103's, Corn fed, 522WHP on a mustang dyno, HP Tuners by me.
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  3. #3 Re: Weird shake issue and LIM shopping list 
    Killa Bee Scottydoggs's Avatar
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    screw loctight, use plumbers thread sealant on the lim bolts so they dont leak in the future. same stuff you should have put on the 4 long bolts on the water pump.

    and de grease your engine before you start to work on it.

    when you did the water pump, did you bleed the air from the t stat housing when you re filled it with coolant? if not that could cause the hotter temps.

    and it sounds like you have a vac leak if the idle is surging (rise and fall of rpm's.) check the T under the snout, they like to just break on their own for no reason.

    98 Buick Regal GS, F body brakes, Caddy STS wheels, tinted tails L36 bottom end, lightly ported heads, 1.95 roller rockers, headers, gen 5 N* 3.0 pulley, FSIC, 42 lb injectors, a BrandonHall rebuilt trans, DHP tuned and AEM water/Meth injection
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  4. #4 Re: Weird shake issue and LIM shopping list 
    Donating Users nascartech's Avatar
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    Don't forget o rings between sc and lim also a good time to port your sc
    01 GTP is3 cam 130 springs double roller 60lb injectors lq4 maf headers 4000 stall lowered
    sold 97 GTP stock
    Sold 2001 gp gt ssm90 plog dp 3.8 208 whp 265 at the crank 14.8 1/4
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