I already moved the injector when I replaced the o rings so I think that would eliminate the injector.
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I already moved the injector when I replaced the o rings so I think that would eliminate the injector.
Well then, I guess it is onto the ICM.
I just noticed that the vacuum line to the evap canister is missing that couldn't cause a misfire could it? And where the heck is the evap canister at anyway, I couldn't find it.
evap canister sits behind the blower.. its pointless bull****... but id fix teh vac leak.. doubt its the misfire cause but i could be wrong.
vac leak would make it run lean and could cause a miss.
Something real similar to this happened to my friend just recently, he had a miss on cyl #5 and replaced everything and couldn't figure it out for a long time. It turns out in the end that his fuel trims were bad. We then Put the stock PCM back in an it ran perfect.
I have a stock pcm.
what kind of plugs are they,NGK is the way to go if not then delco are ok too,3.8s are picky bltches
Autolite ap606 iirk.
So I drove the car halfway across the state for work, then scanned it when I got home, now its putting up the code P0300 random multiple cylinder missfire. So I am more convinced that it is indeed a bad ICM.
Well a little update on this here is a list of things I have replaced/removed trying to figure out wtf is going on.
- Checked 800 times for vacuum leaks
- New Autolite 104's gapped at .055
- New Premium Wires
- Swapped out all the coils twice
- Swapped out the icm twice
- Removed the cat
- Removed Egr
- Swapped injectors around
- Replaced all the orings
- Replaced new Powerbond SFI Harmonic Balancer
- Replaced Crank Position sensor
Still have random multiple misfires.
This screen shot is from the car idling after a 15 min cruise down the highway. I tried to get a scan but when I opened the file it was blank :confused:
Replaced Cam Position sensor today and still random multiple missfires........ that leaves only 2 more things that could be wrong the computer is bad or I have multiple chipped pistons.
Went for a cruise down the highway for about 15 min, and my Timing Advance is all over the place while cruising its anywhere from 0* to -29.5* LTFT1 was pretty constant at -8.53975% had a short blip for a few seconds to -7.8125%
So anyone have a spare engine they want to sell.
my buddy has got one down here that he might want to sell
let me know and Ill get a hold of him
Even with that thumbnail post I can still see the damage. So you just noticed this recently?