I Changed the Breaks on my 1997 GTP today, and noticed I need Control Arm Bushings, both sides. I have no idea where about to look for them VIA the internet, Autozone wants about $50.00 for both of them. I know i can get them cheaper online.
Problem is, I dont know what to get. Theres SOOOO many out there.
So if someone could link me a PIC of one that'd be great.
Also, My car likes to shake now between 40-50. I know my Fuel Filter is In bad shape and I was wondering if thats what it was. It also likes to Hesitate every once in a while. When Im getting onto the freeway. Any Ideas?
ON top of all that I also need a Power steering Rack and Pinion, found a used one for 40...so praying like hell it works out.