Forgive me if this is a silly question , however I am unable to get a definate clarification by searching so I am Posting. I am planning on dropping pulley to 3.4 soon and I have all the "supporting mods" that are needed( at least last i checked, suggestions seem to always change to make it so u need more mods before dropping" I already have headers, plugs,180, will be getting a Intense cpu and MPS. My question is every one always states CAI first as a basic mod, but what if you did not do the cai mod and left stock airbox on but still had plog ,headers much of a difference does that particular mod make when dropping pulleys? Also I currently have a HAI, (looks like ebay one with shiny pipe) on a 97 pre-coolant relocation that was on there when i bought the car. Do I HAVE TO go FWI or wizzaired first? Or should I be ok? and I know the only way to be sure is scan! Just checkin for consensus.