Will do. Cleaned it up really good. Calling it quits for tonight. Gonna pick up again tmrw. Still got a water pump to replace too. lol
Will do. Cleaned it up really good. Calling it quits for tonight. Gonna pick up again tmrw. Still got a water pump to replace too. lol
Ten-four on the mods. I'll change the oil and coupler at least.
IMO if you dont have headers, dont bother modding.
I dropped off this thread for a while... but have been steadily working on the GTP. Getting in a few hours a day between work and kids and such. This has taken me almost 2 weeks now. I cleaned and labeled every single freakin' bolt, and everything was put back together with LOVE. The new gaskets looked awesome, new water pump, all new vac lines. The idler pulley was a bi$@* to get off with the TORX 50. Some crap had cooked in the hole and I ended up removing the entire mount which took hours, 1/4 turn at a time for 3 screws. The old water pump was just eaten alive. There was my flow problem. See pic below. I put everything back together, but when I build pressure I am leaking fuel from 1, maybe 2 injectors. Just trying to figure out how to get them in there better, otherwise, I'm all set. These injectors tripped me up when removing the rail, and now again when re-insrtalling them
thats one dead pump.....
the injectors leaking from the top of them? out the rail? you may not have them pushed in the rail all the way and clipped in right. if you look close you see grooves cut in the injector top, the clip locks in the groove.
or a injector o ring is torn in the rail.
Um for comparison purposes .....
what the hell where you running for coolant in there ?! Lol
thats the pump I pulled off my l67 using the green - still looks new to me ...
Yeah. I am guessing its probably both. Cracked o-ring and I didn't push down enough. In the process, I cracked the orange plastic rings on the tip of 2 of the injectors. Strangely, those 2 did not leak.
I sent the guy from Antioch, IL a message to see if I could still get his set of 6.
ITHurtzinmybutt - are those injectors still available? (funny thing typing out that username!).
Yeah! Wow. Thanks for posting the compare picture. Crazy how that pump was just dissolved. Incredible. It was running Dex-Cool for like 13 years. On the green stuff now but still. This water pump was a installed new 2 years ago, so it was eaten fast! The other stock pump, was completely dissolved as well when repalsed 2yrs ago.
Those plastic rings above the rubber o-rings do not matter at all.
They always break off and are useless anyway. The o-ring will still stay in place regardless of if they are there or not. Half the time when I remove them they just fall straight into the cylinder when you pop the injectors out.
Eh..they are fragile and brittle with age. I'm sure people still sell these for $10 a pop
They want $80 for a new one. Just 1 injector=$80.. Crazy. But I need to wrap this up. I might just be spending that $80 through gritted teeth. I need my car working again damn it! lol
About the cracked plastic ring....The ring that broke is the very bottom ring. The one closest to the the metal tip of the injector. Can I still run the car with the ring broke?
I have all these parts. You want an injector for $10? You got it. You need a water pump? You got it lol
i just talked about this in chat. I need this stuff gone
Its faster for him to drive to antioch **** usps!
Pm replied chi
That water pump, I give that a A+ for excellence
Wanted to put official closure on this post. In a nutshell, the car runs great. LIM’s and water pump were successfully replaced. Put on about 6,000 miles since then. Currently at 241,000 on original motor.... Thanks to ScottyDoggs and everyone else that kept up with this post and helped out. Thanks to ItHurts up in Antioch, IL for the fuel injectors. I met up with ItHurts about a month ago to collect those; haven’t put them in yet, but will. Wish I had done the lifters when I did the LIMs, cuz now I’m hearing a slapping sound from the back valve covers. I’m thinking its lifter tick or maybe rocker bolts need tightening. So going to do lifters and a whole bunch of other stuff. I really caught a mechanics bug after that successful LIM install. I’m even about to buy and ODB scan tool.
Next repair involves a laundry list of items. Hopefully beginning this weekend:
Lifters, valve cover gaskets, injectors, rack-and-pinion, s/c tensioner pulley and assembly, s/c smooth idler pulley, s/c grooved idler pulley, trans pan drop, trans filter and O-ring change, trans pan gasket change, TransGo shift kit install,
Thanks again for the help! Great forum here. Have been visiting and reading up on stuff every day.
That is the best looking water pump I've ever seen.
Congrats on that.
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