New member here trying to see if I can get some advice. Would like to find out what I should be looking for hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I've looked through a lot of other ppl's discussions and it seems that is could be any of the following: CTS sensor, Fan Issues (fuses, relays, etc..), T-stat, LIM gasket, Would any of these cause the knocking sound, and shaking of the car, and overheat. Please Help. I drive a 1997 3.8L V6 GP Naturally aspirated
When I start the car it jumps to 1500 then oscilalates down to 600 rpm three or four times before idling. After about 3 minutes of warming up the car will idle at around 1000 rpm but knocks really bad. Even at stop lights you can hear it knocking, and the car will begin to shake.
While I am driving the acceleration seems delayed. When on the high way if I hit the gas it's almost as if the engine doesn't know that I'm pressing the gas so I lift off the pedal and press down again and the car accelrates like normal. This takes the fun out of driving. If I don't release my foot the first time it just accelrates really slow.
Recently the temperature has been getting up to ut never higher than 210. When I begin to drive ,especially the faster I go, the temperature goes back to normal around 150. Low coolant light comes on every once in a while but not all the time. Everytime I check the coolant it's not low so idk what thats about. Got oil leak fixed, didn't change anything.
I've looked through a lot of other ppl's discussions and I'm starting to think it's a CTS sensor, Fan Issues (fuses, relays, etc..), T-stat, LIM gasket, Would any of these cause the knocking sound, and shaking of the car, and overheat. Please Help