My '04 Grand Prix (172,000km / 107,000 mi) has already been through two coolant leaks (first was a bad block heater three years ago, and more recently a coolant elbow). It's down to -15C (5F) up here in Ontario, and yesterday when going to the store I noticed a pool of coolant on my driveway, thanks to the help of a heavy snowfall. The leak seems to be predominantly on the right-hand side, and the middle. I took a quick look around the engine compartment with a flashlight (it was dark out) and didn't see any obvious signs of leaking/splatter at the coolant elbows, along the serpentine belt, at the upper/lower rad hoses, or at the hoses coming off the belt tensioner/coolant elbows. I parked the car pointing down the driveway instead of up, and I did see where some coolant is pooling (pic below, sorry it's not the best angle) - it's just past the crankshaft on what looks like some sort of pan / tray directly underneath the engine.
I topped up my coolant last night just to be safe, as I had some errands to run today. My driveway is at a pretty decent incline (I use my parking brake to park), and after adding more snow to my driveway, there's less visible leaking after driving around today. I'm wondering if my 'leaking' is old coolant that could've gotten down there when the elbow burst (i.e. snow/slush on the underside of my car assisted it to run off), but this is probably just wishful thinking on my part.
I searched through the forums and it sounds like this could be coming from the water pump, which may drip down and potentially pool under the engine. I'm thinking about getting a stop leak product (Rislone Pelletized Radiator Stop Leak) just to get me by for a few months until I can properly work on my car. I still need to check under the passenger seat to see if it's the heater core, but I'd be surprised if that was the problem. And when the elbows were leaking, I had absolutely no warning other than my engine started redlining in temperature. My engine has been running normally between the 1/4 and 1/2 markings on my temp gauge. I think my coolant ratio is closer to 70/30 coolant/water than 50/50, and I have seen the P0128 code thrown recently during this Winter, which someone noted was due to a less-than-ideal water mixture.
Are there any other areas to check? Has anyone else had a similar problem? I'm going to try to get over to a friends house where there's a flat driveway/garage to jack my car up in, but until then any comments are appreciated.